So... Why do I love this serial so much? In order to understand me, we should first answer the question - what exactly is the point of Serial Experiments Lain? Iwakura Lain, a 14 year old girl, an innocent middle schooler that didnt yet know what's ahead of her. As the series progresses Lain's interest in "the Wired" grows, which at first isn't perceived as something bad by her father, who doesn't really have any deeper relationships with anyone. He acts coldly towards his wife and the only thing that made him interested in his daughter was her enthusiasm for the Internet. For Lain, the web portends intrigue, delusion, and death. In the Wired, Lain is an altogether different persona much darker person who is easily moved to vengeance. Quickly, Lain sees that her digital presence is a cruel and gutsy perversion of her true self. The digital Lain is a bully, and the real Lain struggles to comprehend her personality and her mission. The real Lain - the meek middle school student who avoids human interaction and confrontation - greets the digital Lain with a gasp. The reason why I love the show is how relateable the main character is, it helped me understand myself more and my actions along with my thoughts. It helped me with my struggles and multiple problems I've had. Ever since I watched SEL I can't really get it off my mind, it's a masterpiece everyone should watch at some point in their life.